Participate – Overview2016-12-01T23:40:32+11:00

TIME Alumni

Stay connected to TIME

  • Develop long-lasting relationships
  • Learn about career enhancing programs, seminars & conferences
  • Enjoy Networking
  • Participate in rewarding mentoring experiences

As a TIME graduate, you are automatically part of the TIME Alumni community. The benefits program provides an array of exclusive access to fellow graduates, news, networking and career services.


The Gift of TIME

The Gift of TIMEThe Gift of TIME is a program targeting all travel related organizations with an invitation to invest in the future of their people and their industry by:

  • Rewarding a talented and aspiring staff member with a 6 month mentoring program;
  • Motivating a valued customer by rewarding them with a Gift of TIME;
  • Incentivising valued members of your industry association;
  • Just helping a friend grow their business skills and achieve succes.


Become a Sponsor

TIME needs corporate sponsorship to operate and develop this unique mentoring program.  We believe in a sustainable and successful future for our industry but this can only be achieved, if we encourage and nurture the Industry’s future leaders – developing their business and personal skills and instilling in them a belief in the viability of a career path within travel and tourism.

To achieve our goals Sponsorship is a key driver and we urge organisations, big and small to support TIME by joining us and signing up to sponsor our program and putting your brand on our future.

Time and money spent in helping men to do more for themselves is far better than mere giving.


Become a Mentor

TIME’s Mentoring Program has a number of varied benefits, however the key purpose is to develop and retain leadership potential with a view to enhancing career development and satisfaction.

A mentor should offer a range of (non-conflicting) business-skills and experience that enables them to offer advice and perspective to the Mentee.

Sharing their wisdom and support creates opportunities that may not otherwise be available to the Mentee. This includes increased visibility and possible access to networks (part of the essential communication skills) including networking with other Mentees.

As with all good mentoring programmes, there is a structure and framework within which mentors operate to challenge and inspire mentees whilst holding them accountable to their self determined goals.


Become a Mentee

Travel Industry Mentor Experience is open to all employees within the travel and tourism industry who have been in the industry for 3 years and or have attained a mid-management (team leader, operations manager, manager) level.

Mentoring is recommended for people:

  • Developing new skills
  • Identifying areas for professional growth
  • More strategic career planning
  • Gaining or increasing knowledge of organisational culture, structure and processes
  • Access to new networks and contacts
  • Finding new ways to approach old problems
  • Increased confidence in abilities
  • Increased job satisfaction
  • Enhanced career opportunities


    What we do

    The Travel Industry Mentor Experience is a not-for-profit company established in 2009 to offer a range of business skills, development guidance and support sessions, within a mentoring and peer collaboration environment, to aspiring mid level management individuals of the travel and tourism industry.The programme operates within a structured framework to deliver agreed outcomes for each participant.

    TIME’s Board comprises Penny Spencer (Chair), Sue Graham, Oliver Tams, Leith Mills and Martin Cowley with Marie Allom, a well known Industry figure, appointed to the position of Program Manager. Apart from the Directors, TIME’s committee is comprised of a group of committed Travel and Tourism Industry representatives.

    TeamsThe funding for TIME comes directly from sponsorship funds provided through the generosity and commitment of key organizations from the travel and tourism sector and is supplemented by a mentoring fee of A$1,900 + GST for each Mentee enrolled into the program. The fee covers frequent networking functions and the costs of administering the reporting and communication processes involved in operating the program. The Mentee meets and communicates with the Program Manager on a regular basis and meets with his or her Mentor fortnightly for two hours “one-on-one” over a period of 6 months.

    The TIME program is focused on a Mentor/Mentee relationship that is ‘mentee-driven’. Mentors are drawn from the senior ranks of the industry and have generously volunteered their time and energy to the mentor process. They are matched to Mentees on the basis of non-conflicting business skills and experience that enables them to offer advice and perspective to the Mentee. The role of the Mentor is to hold their Mentee accountable and to offer challenging ideas that will inspire the Mentee, helping to building the individuals self confidence through praise, encouragement and constructive feedback.

    Prior to the formal induction meeting, a detailed matching process takes place to ensure both the compatibility of mentor/mentee, the skillset required to assist the mentee in achieving their goals and the aim of any sponsoring employer.

    Based on detailed analysis of the mentee’s Expression of Interest, the TIME programme involves:

    • matching with an experienced mentor whose skillset meets the expressed goals
    • a formal induction process
    • regular meetings over a six month period (twenty-four hours of mentoring)
    • regular reviews of progress via mandatory reports
    • evaluation of programme outcomes at graduation

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